Kiortosh - Petach Tikva

Dairy, Vegetarian

"Kiortosh" is a bakery, named after the Hungarian pastry made with yeast and milk products, covered in caramel, hollow on the inside, which comes in a variety of different flavors.

Chef Doron Regev brought the Kiortosh to Israel for the first time, After finding the recipe In a small village in Hungary

He opened The first location at 39 Bograshov st. in Tel Aviv, and since then the chain has developed throughout the country.

The Kiortosh chain offers its customers a wide variety of homemade cakes, cookies and pastries.

Google Maps
Tel Aviv & Center
Ben Zion Galis 40, Segula Industrial Zone, Petach Tikva

Opening hours
Sunday - Wednesday: 07: 00-18: 00 Thursday: 07: 00-19: 00


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