Chooka -Petah Tikva

Asian, Vegetarian, Japanese, Chinese

"Chooka's" cuisine combines rural Thai dishes with the latest cuisines of Japan and China.

Chooka uses fresh raw ingredients for the various dishes it offers.

On the menu, you will find egg rolls, various soups, a variety of sushi dishes of different sizes and flavors, meat and vegetarian dishes, salads and even special large portions of certain dishes for groups and events.

Chooka currently has 22 restaurants nationwide. Each restaurant provides delivery services to the private and business sectors in the area where it is located. 

Google Maps
Tel Aviv & Center
Jabotinsky 72, Petach Tikva

Opening hours
Sunday - Thursday: 11:00-22:30, Friday: 11:00-15:00, Saturday: 23:00


  Similar restaurants

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