Church San Andres - Akko

Holy Places

At the beginning of the 18th century, the tendency among Orthodox Christians in the East (including the Land of Israel), to accept the authority of the Pope in Rome. This led to a Greek Catholic community, which also began to form in Acco.

This community settled in the southwestern part of the city and built its church on the ruins of the St. Andreas Church from the Crusader period.

Google Maps
Old city, Akko (Acre)

Opening hours
By appointment
Suitable for children
Suitable for children


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Syriac Maronite Church- Akko

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Church Saint George - Akko

Church Saint George - Akko

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The Ramchal Synagogue - Akko

The Ramchal Synagogue - Akko

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Church of St. Francis - Akko

Church of St. Francis - Akko

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El-Jazar Mosque

El-Jazar Mosque

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The Or Torah Synagogue

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The Bahá’í Gardens - Akko

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  Nearby trails

Carmel trip and Ramat Menashe

Carmel trip and Ramat Menashe

Traveling by car with site visits
Pioneers Trail - Carmel Guard Farm

Pioneers Trail - Carmel Guard Farm

One way downhill
Beit She'arim Track - Menorah Caves

Beit She'arim Track - Menorah Caves

Visit the antiques site
Bet Shemesh

  Nearby restaurants

Humus Al Abed Abu Hamid

Humus Al Abed Abu Hamid

Meat, Vegetarian, World
Under Lighthouse in old city, Akko (Acre)
Samia kitchen

Samia kitchen

Meat, Vegetarian, World
Zalman Hazuref 2, Akko (Acre)
Abu Cristo

Abu Cristo

Fish, Vegetarian
Hahagana, Akko (Acre)
Restaurant Almarsa

Restaurant Almarsa

Dairy, Meat, Vegetarian
Namal Hadayagim 13, Akko (Acre)
Restaurant Marcato

Restaurant Marcato

Dairy, Meat, Vegetarian
Wizman 1, Akko (Acre)


Fish, Meat
The Turkish Bazaar, Akko (Acre)


Fish, Meat
The Turkish Bazaar, Weizmann 1, Akko (Acre)